Israel Today
Netanyahu and Barak make final push for unity government
Likud and Labor negotiating teams meet, but Labor Party remains divided on joining Netanyahu-led government more»
Jewish-Arab showdown in northern Israel scheduled for Tuesday
100 right-wing Jews to march through hostile northern Israel Arab town waving Israeli flags; Arab leaders call out the masses to stop them more»
Yemeni Muslim sentenced to death for emailing Olmert
Yemeni court charges man with trying to be spy for Israel based on alleged personal email to Olmert more»
Major car bombing foiled at Israeli mall
Huge bomb packed into parked car fails to fully detonate, saving the lives of perhaps hundreds of Israelis more»
Israeli pagans prayed to their gods during Gaza war
University researcher reveals small, secretive, but unified group of practicing pagans living in Israel more»
Obama about to betray Israel, says former intel official
Says betrayal will happen slowly, subtly and over the course of years, but end goal is Israel's demise more»