Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Jerusalem Conspiracy

25 Tammuz 5768, 7/28/2008
I Didn't Want to Be Right: "The Jerusalem Conspiracy"
by Tamar Yonah

No, no, no, no... I didn't want to be right on this one. I really didn't. And what surprises me is that I thought we would have to wait longer to see if my theory was correct or not. I am talking about a conspiracy to get the people to agree, even to demand, the division of Jerusalem - for fear of their safety...

Shalom Tamar,

Exposing the German-Vatican Plot to Occupy Jerusalem
The one time The Traveller did run a political piece, it ruffled feathers with the local authorities. In 'Will Jerusalem become an international city?' by American writer David Ben-Ariel, readers were warned about a German-Vatican plot to take over Jerusalem, urged to take back the Temple Mount and dislodge 'as symbols of foreign occupation' Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock.

This is why Shimon Peres came to power.

Kol tov,