Monday, July 14, 2008

Visit Liberty Post

Welcome to Liberty Post, the premier news discussion forum providing speed, efficiency, simplicity and ease of use for a variety of news topics.

Liberty Post is offered for use as the modern day electronic "town crier" or "broadside." As such, all political news and discussion, as well as current events, news of the day, scientific, medical and technical advances are welcome for discussion. We do not limit discussion to any specific political point of view, since truth can only exist where there is freedom to discuss those issues. There is no censorship of political ideas here.

We do insist that all users abide by the rules of civility. We challenge all users to exercise their manners in the way our Founding Fathers did. Our audience will be made of men, and women of all ages, as well as teens, and educated youngsters. As such, we insist that manners must be adhered to, in order to respect each other. No past personal issues or grievances will be allowed to interrupt discussions of the news and current events.

Should any user defy the rules of civility, exercise poor manners, their rudeness, personal attacks, intended disruptions, and mean-spirited actions will be rewarded with a revocation of rights of participation, which can be temporary or permanent, but no political point of view will be censored under any circumstances.

Spirited debate, varied opinions and points of view are the lifeblood of Liberty. We welcome you to our site and challenge you to participate in the exercise of your First Amendment rights in debating political issues! But caution is advised: this Liberty can be addicting, and the experience of open political dialog that may cause you to be exposed to ideas and people that can change your life dramatically.