Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tearing Israel apart, piece by piece

The lying peace process is tearing Israel apart, piece by piece...

Joel 3

"In those days and at that time,
when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem,

2 I will gather all nations
and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.
There I will enter into judgment against them
concerning my inheritance, my people Israel,
for they scattered my people among the nations
and divided up my land...

DIVINE DELIVERANCE will rescue us and liberate Jerusalem from EU occupation...

Amos 3

12 This is what the LORD says:
"As a shepherd saves from the lion's mouth
only two leg bones or a piece of an ear,
so will the Israelites be saved..."

Lying Visions of Peace

Why Israel Will Survive a Nuclear Holocaust

Lying Visions of Peace

The lying peace process exposes how Jews refuse to accept Israel as a Jewish state, and how Jews are willing to sacrifice each other and sell out the Land and People of Israel if the price is right: both political and religious leaders are guilty of these sins that stink to High Heaven...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Anglican leader soft on Islam, hard on US

Anglican leader soft on Islam, hard on US

The drunk Anglican should be ashamed of his slobberings against Christian Zionism and the United States.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Has Rowan Williams lost his head?

Has Rowan Williams lost his head?
What a shame that Rowan Williams doesn't base his beliefs upon the Bible, which explains why he finds Christian Zionist views as "very strange, and not at all easy to accept."
Top Anglican Derides 'Myth' That America Is A 'Chosen Nation'
( – In an interview with a British Muslim publication, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, a longstanding opponent of the Iraq war, has taken his criticism of U.S. foreign policy to a new level, saying the U.S. has lost the moral high ground since 9/11...

Anglican scam artist Rowan Williams continues to deceive and mislead the masses, pretending to be Christian while preaching his self-righteous and idolatrous ideas. What a shame that Rowan Williams doesn't base his beliefs upon the Bible, which explains why he finds Christian Zionist views as "very strange, and not at all easy to accept."
Those who humbly submit to the Word of God, rather than insist on their own ways (proud and stubborn), who acknowledge Father knows best, learn to adjust their attitudes, actions and beliefs to get in sync with the Scriptures. It's called conversion and it's a life-long process:

Isaiah 55

7 Let the wicked forsake his way,
And the unrighteous man his thoughts;
Let him return to the LORD,
And He will have mercy on him;
And to our God,
For He will abundantly pardon.
8 “ For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.
9 “ For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
Rowan's rants against Christian Zionism included an attack on the special relationship between the United States and Israel, deriding "the chosen-nation myth of America, meaning that what happens in America is very much at the heart of God's purpose for humanity."
If Williams read and believed the Bible, without traditional blinders, he would see that the nation and People of Israel (all Twelve Tribes of Israel) are instrumental in God's plan of salvation for all mankind. The Bible is an ethnocentric book, with a focus on the family of Jacob-Israel, however politically-incorrect.
Rowan's sloppy swill should give further reason for folks still steeped in Anglicanism, still wallowing in the mire of traditional Roman error, to distance themselves from such Babylon and return to the Faith once delivered to Jerusalem.
It appears Williams has lost his head attempting to appease his Muslim audience. Perhaps that explains why he didn't decry the deplorable situation upon Jerusalem's Temple Mount that suffers under Nazi-Muslim occupation, daily discriminating against Christians and Jews, illegally forbidding them to pray or read the Bible where Jesus prayed and taught.
May Rowan Williams wholeheartedly repent and seek forgiveness from both God and his fellow British-Israelites and Jews.

Jerusalem in danger

Paint Israel black: Jews to lose Jerusalem!
Israel's rejection of their 1967 miracle will result in their loss of Jerusalem. Let Israel lower its flag and mourn and paint the country BLACK since Orange was crushed under "just following orders" soldiers doing their sworn enemies' dirty work....

Woe to Ariel! (Jerusalem to suffer EU occupation)
Isaiah 29:1
Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city where David dwelt!

Carl Sandburg, an American writer warned: "If America forgets where she came from...if she listens to the deniers and mockers, then will begin the rot and dissolution." The same principle applies to our Jewish brethren in Israel.

Mount Zion under siege: Who will be king of the mountain?
The Vatican has its evil eye on Jerusalem! What better place to start their siege against the Holy City than Mt. Zion? Watch for them to fortify their position and launch an all-out attack to undermine Israeli sovereignty, enlisting Jewish traitors and the international community.

Grand Master turns up the heat on Jerusalem
The cauldron that is Jerusalem is having the heat turned up by a series of planned events, the concerted efforts of Roman wolves in sheep's clothing, orchestrated by the Vatican. The Roman Catholic Cult, the Babylonian Mystery religion, covets the Holy City and aims on wresting control of Ariel (Jerusalem's nickname) from Israeli sovereignty by any means necessary.

UN Resolution 181: Blueprint of the Beast?
As Hitler clearly outlined his plans in Mein Kampf (and furiously put them into practice his first opportunity), so the United Nations passed an ominous resolution in 1947 concerning the fate of Jerusalem: UN Resolution 181 demands the Holy City submit to the status of an "international city." That's a glorified term for ENEMY OCCUPATION!

From Toledo to Jerusalem
Why would a blond, "non-Jewish" American want to emmigrate to Israel? What's the connection? Especially when so few Jews in the United States are willing to make the move. What force would drive someone to travel to Israel 11 times, serve in 8 kibbutzim and even stay there during the Persian Gulf War, complete with gas mask, with his room designated as cheder atoom - "sealed room" - that other volunteers had to run to whenever the eerie sirens sounded that another Scud Missile was headed for the Promised Land?

International opposition to Jerusalem's liberation
The world will oppose the Return of the King of the Jews, Israel's King, but the Prophets foretell such vain opposition will literally melt away. Both the Bible and the "New Testament" reveal demonic international opposition will be raised against King Messiah to foolishly fight against His return to Jerusalem, liberating it from Gentile EU occupation. They will be history - in a flash!

Monday, November 26, 2007

US Congressman Protests Possible Division of Jerusalem

Christians and Jews from around the world could find themselves praying in the crosshairs of terrorist snipers if the eastern sections of Jerusalem are given over to Palestinian control, a visiting U.S. congressman said here.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

A Work in progress

Friday, November 23, 2007

Stop abusing the memory of Yitzhak Rabin

Stop abusing the memory of Yitzhak Rabin

He displayed contempt toward radicals who were steering the Labor Party toward post-Zionism.
It's good Isi Leibler helps to set the record straight about Rabin and Oslo, but why did he perpetuate the BIG LIE that Yigal Amir is solely responsible for Rabin's murder? The bloody Knesset knows better and yet remains deaf to the blood of Rabin that still cries out for justice.

7 videos that will put Shimon Peres in jail

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Accusations against Herbert W. Armstrong

Some indulge in spreading sexual rumors about Herbert W. Armstrong, attacking the messenger since they can't refute the plain truth of the Bible he courageously taught.

Those who are guilty of gossiping about Herbert W. Armstrong will have "hell" to pay, if they remain unrepentant. Those guilty of spreading dirt must answer: Do you believe everything you hear or read? If it were true, why wasn't Mr. Armstrong ever indicted or convicted for it? Those are some serious accusations.

15 Accusations and Truthful Responses about Herbert W. Armstrong

Those who truly are Christians understand that the Christian thing to do, especially in light of the fact that the worst accusations against Herbert W. Armstrong would be thrown out of court, dismissed for lack of evidence, is to give Herbert W. Armstrong the benefit of the doubt, as we would want, knowing we're to love our neighbor as ourselves, and trust that if and wherever sin MIGHT have occurred, Mr. Armstrong repented of it and rest assured that the blood of Christ is more than sufficient to cover him.

It becomes clear that Satan stirs up hateful individuals who can't refute the truth of what Mr. Armstrong taught so they engage in diversionary tactics and attack the messenger. We're not ignorant of such demonic devices.

Romans 8:1

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus...

Romans 8:33-34

Who shall bring a charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies. 34 Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

To be a Jew...

To be a Jew can mean to be an ethnic descendant of the Tribe of Judah or of the Kingdom of Judah (which comprised portions of Benjamin, Levi and Judah - even some Simeon),
To be a member of the religion of Judaism.

When I speak of Jews, I'm referring to the first definition - not strictly members of the religion of Judaism that has every race in its ranks. I've spoken out against those "Jews" pretending to be ethnic Joes, etc.

Michael's Freund's fraud: Indian converts pretending to be Joes!

Paul was a Jew by his association with those of the former Kingdom of Judah, and by their religion. He still claimed to be, present tense, a Pharisee - but with a new and improved understanding. Yeshua and the early Church of God, those ethnic Jews and Israelites in it, were also Pharisees.

The Pharisees

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Frank-Walter Steinmeier: Germany's new vice chancellor

Two personalities have dominated European politics this year: German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Last week a third person was added to the heavyweights in EU politics...

Meet Germany’s new vice chancellor, Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

A New Heavyweight in EU Politics

Ariel Sharon and The Atlantic Times

Ariel Sharon: From Zionist to Traitor

The Atlantic Times now contributes to the myth of the man, Ariel Sharon, and perpetuates the big lie of the "peace process." ...

Monday, November 19, 2007

Muslim terrorist wins Kosovo elections

The German-Jesuit EU offensive against the Serbs continues and won't rest until Germany's Fourth Reich is firmly installed upon the continent.

New Israpundit articles

A new world in dawning

It gives notice that American foreign policy is now in the hands of the realist school which has little use for Israel. Thus Israel is being forced to accept the horrible Saudi Plan for nothing in return.

Shattering Conventional Wisdom About Saddam's WMD's

This is a fascinating account by John Loftus telling the true story of Saddam's WMD's and what happened to them. They ended up being bombed by Israel in Syria.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The English-speaking nations of White Israelites

Is God a racist? Does He discriminate? Did Jesus hate Gentiles? Was Paul prejudiced? Are Israelites and Jews superior to other peoples? Is God's favorite color white?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Germany's military might grows

2008 - The Year of Armament
(Own Report) - The German arms industry was able to consolidate its leadership position among European producers with its new billions of Euros worth of exports in military hardware. According to the "Arms Exports Report 2006" of the German Ministry of Economics and Technology, Germany granted export licenses valued at 4.2 billion Euros. Again among the prospective recipients of German military products are nations in warfare and crisis zones, among them Iraq (export volume 10 million Euros), Saudi Arabia (57 million Euros) and Pakistan (135 million Euros). The exports offensive is accompanied by influential measures at the EU level, intended to insure more contracts within Europe for the German arms industry. Berlin has been able to impose the former Defense Ministry's "director of the Arms Sector" as the new chief executive of the European Defence Agency, EDA. The efforts of German corporations to outdo their European rivals in military hardware production, is having a worldwide effect. Today EU nations are exporting, as much military hardware as the USA and Russia and are thereby significantly contributing to the global increase in the arms trade.

It is not in Germany's mind today, or its present peaceful people, to wage war against us, but that will all change overnight, after a head-on collision with the Islamic leader of a confederation of Muslim states, their mahdi, whetting Europe's appetite for more blood and morphing the EU into THE BEAST. They will destroy all Muslim opposition with a vengeance.

Whereas most Germans are not aware of vile intentions of influential Germans under Jesuit influence to revive the unholy Roman Empire of the German Nation, the Fourth Reich, to embark on a new crusade into the Middle East, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall bares their grand design before the world: the German-Assyrians will strike again!

The Atlantic Times, regardless of whether or not they believe any of this prophetic scenario possible, owes it to their readers to address this issue that is most serious to a growing number of Bible-believing Christians and many Jews. Can we trust them to deliver?

Shimon Peres sells out Israel

Annapolis will bring death and destruction

Annapolis will bring death and destruction

By Ted Belman

Make no mistake about it, Annapolis represents a mortal danger to Israel and the Jewish people. We don’t have to know how and when the “peace process” train will reach its destination. Once you are on the deportation train, it is too late. It is enough to know the destination is Auschwitz borders and behind such borders lies Auschwitz.

The Jewish remnant in the Warsaw Ghetto, when hearing of the death of 300,000 Jews deported from the ghetto, decided to go down fighting rather than to go to their deaths like sheep. And fight they did.

We know where Annapolis is taking us to, namely; Auschwitz borders, expulsion and deportation of 200,000 Jews and the division of Jerusalem with the Holy Basin under the control of the Muslims. Need we know more?

And for what? Certainly not recognition as a Jewish state, certainly not an end of conflict agreement with all Muslim nations, certainly not a more secure future.

In the words of the PA;

    1. The Annapolis declaration will include Palestinian recognition of Israel – but not as a Jewish state.
    2. The boundaries of the future Palestinian state will follow the pre-1967 War lines with minor adjustments through territorial swaps. A few hundreds of square meters may be offered on the West Bank in return for areas in central Israel, not the Negev.
    3. Palestinian sovereignty over Temple Mount, the holiest shrine of the Jewish people, must be undivided and include the Jewish place of worship at the Western Wall.
    4. The right of return for 1948 refugees is absolute and non-negotiable.
    5. The future Palestinian state will enjoy full sovereignty, including its air and electromagnetic space and underground resources, such as water.
    6. Negotiations after the Annapolis conference must be concluded by Aug. 2008..

We also know that the people we are ceding our security to are latter day Nazis who are the inheritors of the final solution. Forty years ago they wanted to throw us into the sea. Today they want to wipe us off the face of the map.

The state of Israel is a Jewish enterprise not an Israeli enterprise. It was promised to the Jews not to Israelis. We must assert our rights as a people. We cannot avoid responsibility by hiding behind the “duly elected government of Israel”. It doesn’t represent us Jews and it doesn’t represent the majority of Israelis. There is nothing to debate.

Even Tevia, the quintessential Jew in Fiddler on the Roof, knew enough to declare, in some matters, “There is no other hand.”.

We must draw the line and fight. Now, not later.


Kadima train to Auschwitz borders: Don't get on board!

Europe to Take Out Iran for Jerusalem

Bird flu: Europe to slaughter Israel!

Kadima Wins, Israel Loses!

Ariel Sharon: From Zionist to Traitor

Israel's Only Way Out: Follow Kahane!

Free Speech Under Attack in Israel

Don't Expel Jews from Gaza!

No Jewish Leader to Save Israel?

Ehud Olmert Playing with German Fire

The German-EU Grows Restless Over Mideast Crisis

Israeli Sheeple & Nazi-Muslims

Israeli Jews could Learn from Christian Zionists

Woe to Ariel! (Jerusalem to suffer EU occupation)

Death to the American, British & Jewish Peoples?

British-Israelites and Jews in Grave Danger

Christian Zionists, Jews, and Israel

Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives

Why Israel Will Survive a Nuclear Holocaust

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Condi Rice is dangerous

With friends like US, who needs enemies...

Knesset [Israeli Parliament] member Arieh Eldad, a member of the National Union/National Religious Party:

"The U.S. is making a huge mistake because they are trying to push a very short-sighted political achievement when they try to press Israel to [make] concessions in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria [West Bank]," Eldad told Cybercast News Service.

If Israel turns over more land in the West Bank, it will lead to the creation of a second Hamas state there, he warned.

Eldad charged that Israel should not listen to the advice of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, since she has twice pressured Israel into making concessions that turned out to be disastrous.

When she was National Security Advisor, Rice pressed Israel to allow Hamas to take part in Palestinian elections. Hamas won a stunning victory (and eventually took over the Gaza Strip).

Rice also was the key player in drafting an agreement that forced Israel to pull out of the Rafah passage between the Gaza Strip and Egypt. That has led to massive smuggling of weapons, explosives and Iranian training and know-how into the Gaza Strip, Israeli military officials say.

"Her previous advice in this area [was] a fiasco," said Eldad. "Why should we listen this time?"
Don't Expel Jews from Gaza!
Christians Reject "Palestine" for the Promised Land of Israel
Peace Now: Arabs and Jews Must Go Their Separate Ways
No Jewish Leader to Save Israel?
Israel's Betrayal of the Jews
Christian Zionists, Jews, and Israel
Daniel Pipes: Can the Leopard Change Its Spots?
Ariel Sharon: From Zionist to Traitor
Free Speech Under Attack in Israel
EU to Conquer Anglo-Saxons and Jews
Paint Israel Black: Jews to Lose Jerusalem!
Call for Anglo-Israeli Alliance
A Jewish Homeland
Why Israel Will Survive a Nuclear Holocaust

Shimon Peres has No Clothes: Where's the Peace?

Our black plague: Condi Rice

Condi Rice is a quintessence of leftism. She’s a patently lame scholar (and yes, I've read her essays) whose theories border on scam. In her essay on nuclear weapons, she repeatedly cites the Soviet WWII encyclopedia in fifty-something volumes, which even the native Russian speakers find impossible to read through; she obviously relies on secondary sources without citing them. Rice succeeded through the affirmative action, a semi-official quota for Black professors of lamentable credentials. Bush took her into the Administration for the same reason, to earn a few Black votes for the Republicans...
Our black plague by Obadiah Shoher

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ron Paul for God and country

Ron Paul for God and country. Why abort America's future? Why surrender to the globalists without a fight? Ballots not bullets. Join the Ron Paul revolution rather than wish you had.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Nehemiah’s Wall Found in Jerusalem

Nehemiah’s Wall Found in Jerusalem

At a conference in Tel Aviv, an archaeological discovery is unveiled that proves biblical history true.

Muslim terrorism trial in Toledo

Nefesh B’Nefesh Announces 'Israel in a Minute' Contest Winners

Nefesh B’Nefesh Announces 'Israel in a Minute' Contest Winners

First prize and second prize awarded for best 1-2 minute videos showing the unique and inspirational side of living in Israel

(JERUSALEM) – Nefesh B'Nefesh, the organization dedicated to revitalizing Aliyah from the US, Canada and the UK, has announced the winner of its 'Israel in a Minute' competition that required contestants to create a one to two minute inspiring video in English, which captures the unique side of living in Israel.

Shmuel Hoffman from Jerusalem was the winner of the first prize of $3,000 for his submission called "Many faces, One Country." The second prize of $1,000 was awarded to Mordy Rapp of Ramat Bet Shemesh for his video entitled "Heblish". The winning videos as well as a selection the best submissions can be viewed on Nefesh B'Nefesh's website at .

The top submissions will be screened in special events throughout Israel and the USA, and will also be used for viral marketing campaigns which will be viewed by thousands of people around the world.

About Nefesh B’Nefesh

Founded in 2002, Nefesh B’Nefesh is an organization dedicated to revitalizing Aliyah from North America, Canada and the UK by removing or minimizing the financial, professional, logistical and social obstacles of Aliyah. For more information, please visit

# # #


Yael Katsman, Nefesh B’Nefesh / Tel. (02) 659 5696 / yael


Jews Should Follow Judaism to Israel!

A Jewish Homeland

The Great Mideast Commission: Reaching the Cities of Judah

Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives

Friday, November 09, 2007

Nadia Matar Back in Court for "Judenrat" Letter

by Ezra HaLevi

( Women in Green activist Nadia Matar found herself back in court Thursday, with the state appealing its suit against her for a strongly-worded letter sent to Disengagement Authority chief Yonatan Bassi.

Prior to the 2005 Disengagement, Matar dispatched a letter to Bassi, a member of the religious Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu, comparing the wording of the letter he sent to residents of Gush Katif to that sent by the Judenrat (“Jewish Council”) in 1942 Germany, which oversaw the “relocation” of Jews from Germany.

Matar’s trial revolves around the passage in her letter: “Yonatan. The truth is that you are a modern-day version of the Judenrat - in reality, a much worse version, because in the Holocaust, the Jewish leaders were forced to act by the Nazis and today it's very hard for us to judge them. Today, no one is standing with a gun to your head and forcing you to participate in the deportation of the Jews of Gush Katif and northern Samaria."

The Jerusalem Magistrates Court dismissed the indictment against Matar, ruling that the law had been applied selectively after hearing examples of incendiary statements by left-wing activists and politicians who were not prosecuted.

The state prosecutor appealed to the District Court, which accepted the appeal on the condition that the prosecution provide examples countering the lower court’s conclusion that the laws was applied selectively to right and left-wing activists.

Attorney Yoram Sheftel is confident that Matar will once again prevail. He says there are ample cases of selective application of the “insulting a public servant” law. “If a left-wing personality, extremist or traitorous says the most outrageous thing about a judge, minister, senior police officer or other civil servant, he will never be put on trial,” Sheftel told Israel National TV. “But the most minor statement by a right-winger – even a fourteen-year-old, like the girl who held a sign outside Supreme Court Justice Ayala Procaccia’s house reading ‘Provocaccia’ (provocation, in Hebrew) – they will find themselves both arrested and prosecuted.”

Asked if she had any regrets, Matar said: “I regret only that I didn’t write even stronger words. What I wrote was too moderate when compared with the results of this expulsion. Our brothers were not only expelled from their homes, our land abandoned to murderous terrorists, but further destruction is now planned and I fear nobody is using strong enough language. My regret is that we were all too reserved in our protest of this crime and I promise that this time it will be different.”

At the first trial, Nobel Prize Laureate Prof. Yisrael Aumann joined a protest outside the courthouse. "It is scandalous.- that freedom of speech is being attacked, just like in the cases of the soldier Hananel [Dayan – who refused to shake hands with the Chief of Staff due to his role in the Disengagement –ed.], the closing of Arutz-7, and the hearing that was held for [Disengagement opponent] Rabbi Druckman. Individuals are being singled out for expressing their views," he lamented.

Why “Judenrat”?
Matar, during the early days of media condemnations that resulted in the determined government effort to have her prosecuted, explained her use of the term “Judenrat,” which many critics claimed implied the Israeli government were Nazis. Note that the words were written prior to the implementation of the Disengagement:

“The Jewish public in Israel and the world, from the left and the right, is divided on the question of the permissibility of the use of Holocaust terminology. Is it legitimate to compare then and now? Doesn't the use of terms from, and comparisons with, the Holocaust diminish the horrors of the destruction of European Jewry? Some say that the entire subject of the Holocaust is untouchable. It is sacred, and we are not allowed to use any word that recalls the Holocaust, because there is no situation today that can be comparable to what was then. I respect those who hold such an opinion, and I know that I cannot convince them to think otherwise. Since, however, they do not have a monopoly on the Holocaust, I am entitled to disagree with them and maintain that it is very important to make comparisons, to draw conclusions, and to act so that there will not be another Holocaust.

“I was born and raised in Belgium. A considerable portion of my family was destroyed in the Holocaust. Throughout my childhood I heard from my grandparents about the stories and about the horrors. Already at a young age I made a promise to myself to do everything so that it would not happen again, that I would act so that the murder of my family would not have been for nothing, that I would do everything not to forget, and not to forgive.

In my humble opinion, the Holocaust is an event that could recur, in some form or other, if we do not open our eyes and understand that the Nazi monster is still breathing, and attempting to continue what Hitler, may his memory be blotted out, did not have time to finish. I am speaking of the Arabs around us, who have been trying, even from before the establishment of the State of Israel, to eliminate any Jewish existence in Eretz Israel, regardless of our borders. The Arabs have been murdering us on a daily basis from the days of the pogroms in 1929 (when it could not be claimed that we were "occupiers"). They slaughter Jews at every opportunity, whether in war or in terror attack, cold-bloodedly firing at the heads of Jewish infants. Muslim suicide bombers explode buses, pizza parlors, and discotheques full of Jews. It is they who are the modern version of the Nazis. Every thinking person knows, or should know, that Hitler's legacy plays a starring role in the Muslim world. Hitler's book Mein Kampf is a bestseller in all the Arab countries. Everyone knows, or should know, that the hero of the Arabs, Haj Amin el-Husseini, was Hitler's close friend, and together they planned the Holocaust of the Jews of Eretz Israel. Every intelligent person knows, or should know, that all the wars and terror attacks by the Arabs against us have the same goal: the total destruction of the State of Israel, and the elimination of all its Jewish inhabitants. Every intelligent person knows, or should know, that every sign of weakness, submission, or retreat by Israel will encourage the Nazi-Arab enemy and incite him to engage in more and more terror.

“Consequently, every political plan that will merely play into the hands of the Nazi-Arab enemy and bring him closer to his final goal, that is, the removal of the Jews from Israel and the elimination of the Jewish state, is a dangerous plan against which we must sound the alarm. While, during the Holocaust, the Jews of the Judenrat played into the hands of the Nazi foe when they (unwillingly) collaborated and aided in the deportation of the Jews (without knowing the destination of the transports); today, Sharon's deportation plan also plays into the hands of the Nazi-Arab enemy, incites him to murder more and more Jews, and is liable - if, Heaven forbid, it were to be realized - to result in tens of thousands of murdered Jews, by Katushas and rockets fired from Gaza and northern Samaria to the densely populated centers in Gush Dan. In addition, Sharon's plan would give fuel to the antisemites in the world. They would rightfully say: "If a Jewish government can uproot Jews and deport them from their historic homeland; we in Europe can do the same and deport our Jews far away from here". Thus, in my eyes, the comparison between Yonatan Bassi (and Ariel Sharon) and the Judenrat is definitely appropriate. With the proviso that Bassi and Sharon constitute a much more horrible version, since, unlike the Judenrat of then, today, there is no one holding a gun to Sharon and Bassi's forehead and demanding that they commit the deportation crime.”


Ariel Sharon: From Zionist to Traitor

Free Speech Under Attack in Israel

Don't Expel Jews from Gaza!

EU to Conquer Anglo-Saxons and Jews

Paint Israel Black: Jews to Lose Jerusalem!

Moving Day in Gaza?!

"I was only following orders"

The Israel Project Failed Gaza

From Golden Stalks to Golden Grains…And Back Again

Media, Politicians Gang Up on Soccer League

Journalists and left-wing politicians kept the "Rabin festival" going for yet another day, ganging up against the Israeli Soccer Association for meting out "too light" of a punishment to fans who jeered during a "moment of silence" for Rabin.

CAIR Targets Another Conservative Talk Show Host

The Council on American-Islamic Relations is pressing advertisers to withdraw their sponsorship of Michael Savage’s nationally syndicated radio program because of Savage’s alleged “anti-Muslim bigotry.” Savage, on his Web site, is fighting back...

The real reason Rhodesia is in ruins

The real reason Rhodesia is in ruins

I was forwarded the following excellent letter that was sent to The Real Truth magazine in response to their article about Zimbabwe I blasted in "The Real Truth" can't handle the plain truth --

I read with great interest your article on RHODESIA (I refuse to call it by its new GENTILE/AFRICAN name). The facts presented about the fall of Rhodesia are startling, and need to reach a wider audience. The REASON Rhodesia died also needs to be TRUMPETED to the world--especially the Israelite FAMILY of nations. I believe you missed a great opportunity to broadcast the "real truth" about Rhodesia, and THAT makes me sad.

So what was missed? As an organization that considers itself a legitimate heir to the Church of God under HWA, I KNOW you teach the all important TRUTH of our national identity.

So WHY did you not explain to your audience the "real truth" that Rhodesia DIED the day is succumbed to pressure from the world and gave up its ISRAELITE government to primitive African mob rule?

The problems with Rhodesia today were caused because it is no longer an ISRAELITISH Nation. The people of Rhodesia SINNED against God in turning their land over to GENTILES (under pressure from the nations of the world--including the USA) and therefore can no longer be the recipients of the BLESSINGS of the FAMILY of ISRAEL after 2520 years in the wilderness. You SHOULD be preaching this as a WARNING to the BRITISH, AMERICAN, and JEWISH nations of Israel.
AMERICA will go through the same PUNISHMENT if we turn over our nation to the COLONIZING HORDES from the south. It is the DUTY of the Church of God (and its end-time prophets) to preach this Message of Warning & Hope BEFORE our nations fall in the same way our brothers in Rhodesia fell.

If you, as a church, REFUSE to preach God's WARNING because you value political correctness MORE than the Word of God, He will raise up prophets to do the work you refuse to do.

Carl Brown,
Michigan, USA


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Join the Ron Paul revolution!

Real Republicans claim Ron Paul.

Join the
Ron Paul revolution! Ballots not bullets to reclaim our government and country, so help us God.


European Dictator?

Is a world dictator about to appear? So asked Herbert W. Armstrong, ahead of his time, an early warning system of sorts. What's to stop Europe's new superman from dispensing with democracy for dictatorship once a real or imagined crisis strikes the German-dominated continent?

Beyond Babylon

David Ben-Ariel

Best Price $18.77
or Buy New $19.95

Monday, November 05, 2007

The Emperor’s New Clothes

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From Yugoslav Reports
Oct. 19, 2007 - “What Does the World Owe 1940s Serbs? Not too much...
A Mar. 26, 1941 eyewitness news account of a massive outpouring of ordinary working people in Serbia and Montenegro, supported by the Orthodox church, aiming to overthrow the Nazi-subservient Yugoslav government, demanding war against the Nazis. The world held its breath...
Posted in scanned and text formats. Both with comments by Jared Israel.

Oct. 11, 2007 - News: NATO provocation; impending indictment of Montenegrin leaders; NY Times on 1941 German threat against Serbs.

Oppose Fascist Rock Star's US Tour with the Truth
Part 1

by Jared Israel
[Nov. 3, 2007]

NATO Stages a War Provocation in the Balkans
News with analysis by Jared Israel
[Oct. 11, 2007]

‘Slightly Fascist’? The New York Times Prods Croatia. Gently.
by Jared Israel
[1 August 2007]

Croatia: Holocaust Denial on Display
by Jared Israel
[12 February 2007]
[Na srpsko-hrvatskom]
[Deutsche Übersetzung]

Insults, Cover-up and Incitement: Croatia's Mesic at the Israeli Knesset
* Croatian President Stjepan Mesic's supposed apology, delivered at Israel's Knesset (parliament) 31 October 2001
* Critique by Jared Israel (revised 14 February)

[12 February 2007]

“Far more than shameless”
A Survivor Talks About Croatia’s ‘Museum’ at Jasenovac
Interview with Smilja Tišma (Belgrade), President, Organization of Survivors
Interviewer: Jovan Skendžić

[5 February 2007]
[Na srpsko-hrvatskom]

Efraim Zuroff of Wiesenthal Center's Israel Office Replies to Jared Israel
[16 January 2007]

The suppressed history of the Holocaust in Croatia
For the first time on the internet, the full text of Yad Vashem's Encyclopedia of the Holocaust article "Croatia," which the Vatican and US and German governments hope you won't read. Also Jared Israel on the opening of the Croatian government's Holocaust-denying Holocaust exhibition, with tragic participation of Jewish, Serbian and Roma representatives; on how the US State Department misuses Washington's Holocaust Museum to market Holocaust denial; and with evidence of the Western media suppressing reports of fascism among Croatia's top officials.

[1 January 2007]
[Na srpsko-hrvatskom]

Newsletter 2007/11/02 - Raison d'Etat
BERLIN/LONDON/PARIS (Own report) - In the coming week, the German Foreign Ministry, with the German Foreign Minister in attendance, will present the "European Council on Foreign Relations" (EFCR) to the European public. Financed in part by the US billionaire George Soros, this new think tank will help promote an integrated foreign policy of all EU member states, thus laying the groundwork for a future EU foreign minister to be designated, once the EU Reform Treaty is ratified January 1, 2009. The EFCR members include senior EU politicians, such as the former German Foreign Minister Joseph Fischer. According to its Berlin Office, the Council would like "to aid Germany in continuing to assume its exemplary and leading role in Europe". The Council chose November 9, for its inaugural event in the German capital, because this date marks the "birth of a new European history".
It is not in Germany's mind today, or its present peaceful people, to wage war against us, but that will all change overnight, after a head-on collision with the Islamic leader of a confederation of Muslim states, their mahdi, whetting Europe's appetite for more blood and morphing the EU into THE BEAST. They will destroy all Muslim opposition with a vengeance.

Whereas most Germans are not aware of vile intentions of influential Germans under Jesuit influence to revive the unholy Roman Empire of the German Nation, the Fourth Reich, to embark on a new crusade into the Middle East, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall bares their grand design before the world: the German-Assyrians will strike again!

The Atlantic Times, regardless of whether or not they believe any of this prophetic scenario possible, owes it to their readers to address this issue that is most serious to a growing number of Bible-believing Christians and many Jews. Can we trust them to deliver?