Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The New World Order Against Israel

Audio: The New World Order Against Israel
With Host Tamar Yonah & Guest Professor Eugene Narrett
The Western Democratic World is a mega-society largely based on marketing, trade and making money. Getting rich and gaining power are the ultimate goals. How does this differ with the Eastern hemisphere and Islam? And where does Israel come into the picture?

Eugene Narrett joins Tamar and explains the structure, goals and conflicts of the "three bloc world" and how this is leading towards "globalization". His analysis helps to make sense of all the "trade zones" around the world, including the efforts of the making of a 'North American Union' and the illegal immigration problem in the USA and the growing integration of USA and EU and of German-EU influence in the Middle East. How does Israel's plight reflect America's and what can Americans do before the Republic is lost?
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