Wednesday, February 14, 2007

"Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin" - Chapter Ten/Part Two


Chapter Ten/Part Two: "The Plot Begins to Unravel"

copyright (c) 1998, 2007, by Mr. Barry Chamish

R&B Editor's Note: The Root & Branch Information Services is serializing the book "Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin?", by Mr. Barry Chamish, with permission of the author, to commemorate the eleventh anniversary of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin (November 4, 1995 -- November 4, 2006).

YERUSHALIYIM, Israelite Tribal Territories of Judah and Benjamin, Kingdom of David and Solomon, United Israelite Kingdom of Judah and Joseph, Twenty Sixth Day, Eleventh Month ("Shvat"), 5767; Yom Revi'i (Fourth Day of the Week/"Wednes"-day, February 14, 2007), Root & Branch Information Services [] []:

Chapter Ten/Part Two: "The Plot Begins to Unravel"

The inability of security and police personnel trained to testify in court to agree on the number of shots is puzzling but on one issue all agree; none thought Rabin was hurt.

From Ma'ariv:

Y.S. (Shabak Head of Security for the Tel Aviv rally): "I heard Rabin was wounded only when I arrived at Ichilov Hospital some minutes later".

S.G.: "I did not hear any cry of pain from the Prime Minister and did not see any signs of blood whatsoever...It was not until some time after that I was told that Yoram Rubin was hurt".

Agent Adi Azoulai: "Only after a number of inquiries as to whether Rabin was hurt, did I drive in shock to Ichilov".

From a police report on the night of the murder:

Agent Adi Azoulai: "I helped carry the prime minister into the car from the left, Yoram Rubin carried him from the right. We put him in the car and Rubin closed the door and the car left...I was not certain if Rabin was hurt, so I phoned Ichilov to find out".

None of the security or police personnel detected any sign that Rabin was hurt, a quite inexplicable fact when one considers that he was not merely hurt, but supposedly shot in the lung and spleen by two hollow point 9mm bullets. A clip of Channel One's television coverage of the assassination night shows policemen searching the murder spot less than a half hour after the shooting. There is no blood on the pavement where Rabin fell. Not a drop. The "amateur" film of the assassination exonerates the witnesses. After the film shows the blast from Amir's gun, Rabin is not pushed forward by the impact of the bullet, nor does he show pain. Rather, he keeps on walking and turns his head quickly to his left.

Before examining the next issue of the Ma'ariv article, let us skip to the report of my research on Channel Two. Despite the snow job, one of my points came across loud and clear and went a long way to keeping my name from being totally besmirched. I showed the assassination film and pointed out that as Rabin entered his car, the opposite side passenger door is slammed shut. I said the only way the door could be shut was if someone was inside the car shutting it.

This would be in contradiction to the Shamgar report, which has Rabin and Rubin entering an empty back seat. No one known could have been in the car. The Kempler film shows both Rubin and Damti outside when the back door was slammed. Channel Two saved my dignity by saying the door was shut by the vibrations caused by Rabin's entrance.

Throughout the country, people opened their back car doors and started shaking their vehicles. Nothing could make their doors shut. Further, Rabin's door was armored and weighed 100 pounds more than the average car door. Add to the fact that the open front door of Rabin's car did not shut with the back, nor is any shaking of the vehicle in evidence on the film, leaving one to believe that someone, perhaps the real murderer, was waiting for Rabin inside the car.

Six months later radio announcer Razi Barkai attempted to justify Channel Two's explanation. He claimed to have phoned Cadillac headquarters and said their spokesman explained that Cadillac doors are equipped with a special safety feature which automatically closes them when sudden pressure is applied to the seats.

The explanation is unbelievable at face value, and it did not stand up to scrutiny. A famous photo of Rabin being lifted into his car destroyed the case for Barkai. The flash of this photo is recorded on the Kempler film after the door is well shut. Rabin was not in the car to press on the seat and shut the magic door. This same flash would destroy the veracity of Yoram Rubin's incredible testimony.

Here is the testimony of Yoram Rubin, Rabin's head of personal security. On November 8, 1995 he was quoted as saying in The New York Times that Rabin's last words to him in the car were that he was hurt but not seriously.

Let us look at what Rubin told the police on the night of the murder and later testified to the Shamgar Commission:

From Ma'ariv:

Rubin to the Police from 1:07 A.M., November 5, 1995: "I lifted the prime minister and pushed him into the car".

Rubin to the Shamgar Commission: "He (Rabin) helped me get up. That is to say we worked together...We jumped, really jumped. I am surprised, in retrospect, that a man his age could jump like that".

From the Amir trial protocols:

Rubin: "We were lying on the pavement together. I noticed a break in the shooting and said to myself, 'There is a defect in the weapon'. I grabbed him [Rabin] by his shoulders and shouted several times, 'Yitzhak, do you hear me, only me and no one else, goddammit!"

Rubin testifies that Rabin helped him up and they jumped like athletes into the back seat. The Kempler film shows Rabin never jumped. Even worse for Rubin is his timing. Waiting for a break in the shooting, thinking there is a defect in the weapon, shouting several times over, "Yitzhak do you hear me, only me and no one else, goddamit"', adds up to, at least and perhaps well over, 20 seconds. The time between the second shot heard on the Kempler film and the camera flash when we know Rubin is no longer atop Rabin is 4.6 seconds.

Perhaps the most confusing piece of testimony concerns the critical moments when Rubin enters the car with Rabin. The assassination film shows the opposite back passenger door being closed from the inside and the other back door appears to be pushed closed from the outside. Yet Rubin testifies, "We fell onto the seat together and I slipped between the front and back seat. His legs and mine were dangling outside as I yelled to the driver, 'Get out of here'. He started driving and I lifted his (Rabin's) and my legs inside and closed the door. This all took 2-4 seconds".

In short, Rubin is not saying one true word. Driver Menachem Damti also lied about his whereabouts at the time of the murder:

Ma'ariv reports Damti's police testimony:

"I heard a shot and the shooter yell, 'It is nothing, a blank'. As soon as I heard the shot, I sat myself in the driver's seat, ready to go".

The Kempler film reveals the lie. After the shot Damti stayed outside and is filmed, apparently, helping to lift Rabin into the car.

A most curious incident occurs on the way to Ichilov Hospital, normally less than a minute's drive from the supposed murder site. The trip took from 9:45 p.m. to just past 9:53 p.m. Damti was the most experienced driver in the country. He had been the driver of every Prime Minister since 1974.

On the way to Ichilov Damti "became confused" and got lost. With a minute and a half driving time to go, Rabin's driver Menachem Damti picked up a policeman, Pinchas Terem, to help "direct" him to the hospital. Damti, who was a last minute replacement for Rabin's scheduled driver that night, could not and did not get accidentally lost. The drive from Kings of Israel Square to Ichilov Hospital was straight and unhampered.

Neither Shimon Peres' nor Leah Rabin's drivers experienced any trouble speeding to their destinations. Damti took wrong turns though he knew the correct route to Ichilov by rote. He did not need Officer Terem's help to find the hospital.

Terem got in the car and with the Prime Minister dying beside him, the altruistic Yoram Rubin says to the new passenger, "I am wounded. Bandage me". We can only guess he did not care that Rabin's wounds needed much more urgent attention. Terem completed his bizarre testimony by noting that Damti did not notify Ichilov by radio that he was coming and thus the hospital staff was totally unprepared for Rabin's arrival.

Damti did not have to inform Ichilov by radio that he was coming. Someone in the Shabak (General Security Services) certainly did. Damti had to lift the radio if he was really lost and inform someone that he did not know where he was. Which he did not do.

When the hapless adventure finally ended at the gates of Ichilov Hospital, the security guard would not permit the Prime Minister's vehicle to enter. The guard registered the vehicle as arriving at just past 9:53 p.m. Damti and Terem went scrambling out of the car looking for a stretcher and some help. Rabin entered the hospital eventually but no one, though reporters were there, ever saw or filmed him being admitted through the main outpatient clinic of Ichilov.

One conclusion of many that can be reached from the testimony of all the witnesses is that Rabin was unhurt by Amir's blank bullets and was shot inside the car. Rubin took a harmless arm wound to cover his role in the event and Damti picked up a policeman as a witness in case of future disbelief.

If this scenario or something more insidious is not to be given credence, all the contradictory testimony will have to be properly sorted out by an honest commission of inquiry. This hypothetical commission will have to answer how the back passenger door of Rabin's car closed as he entered the vehicle.

Next installment, Chapter Eleven, "Leah Rabin's Confusing Night"

To be continued...

Shabbat Shalom from Modi'in,
Mr. Barry Chamish

Did Shimon Peres get away with murder? Let the Israeli authorities investigate the role of Shimon Peres in the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

It appears Yitzhak Rabin was sacrificed by the Israeli oligarchy for their German-Jesuit masters intent on occupying Jerusalem.

Shimon Peres Came to Power Over Rabin's Dead Body
Vatican Linked to the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin

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