Sunday, April 16, 2006

Treachery at the top?

Treachery at the top?

Rachel Ginsberg, Contributing Editor - The Jewish Homemaker

Who really murdered Israeli Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin? Was the killer indeed a fanatic right-wing loner, as the world has been led to believe since that notorious evening on November 4, 1995? Or is the truth much more sinister, cloaked in a scandalous cover-up that involves the country's top security and political echelons?

Barry Chamish, a veteran writer who is the most outspoken and document-laden of the dozens of Rabin murder "conspiracy theorists," says it is impossible that convicted killer Yigal Amir was the real assassin. In his book Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin? (Gefen Publishing), written two years ago, Chamish did not name the man he believes ordered the assassination. Today, with two additional years of evidence and documents in hand, he says he is sure he can identify the murderer and his handlers. Yet even without Chamish's new evidence, the reader is left with the feeling that the official version of the murder� Yigal Amir acting as a lone religious fanatic determined to halt the peace process at any cost just doesn't wash.

By now most Israelis are aware of the discovery, only weeks after the murder, that Avishai Raviv, Amir's close friend and founder of the extremist Eyal organization, was an agent provocateur of the Shin Bet (Israeli Secret Service). Avishai Raviv's mission was to make the anti-Oslo camp look so fanatical and subversive that it would be entirely discredited as a legitimate political opposition force. The common belief is that Raviv provoked Amir into the assassination, a provocation for which Raviv is now being pressured to stand trial. However, Israelis are also aware of the many witnesses who heard Shin Bet agents and bodyguards yelling, "They're blanks," "It was a toy gun," "It's an exercise," "They were caps," "Dummy bullets," and the like immediately after the shooting at a peace rally in Tel Aviv's Malchei Yisrael Square.

Why wasn't Amir immediately gunned down, when the Prime Minister's bodyguards are trained to fell an assailant in .8 seconds? Why did Yoram Rubin, Rabin's bodyguard, step aside, leaving Amir with a clear shot at the Prime Minister's back - a bodyguard no-no? What was Amir doing in the sterile area around the Prime Minister in the first place? Who let him in, and why wasn't he ousted summarily?

The common belief among the skeptics, a belief with which Barry Chamish agrees, is that many of the Shin Bet agents and policemen on duty at the rally were instructed to allow a sting operation to take place. Yigal Amir was to be provided with a gun loaded with blanks, perhaps from his friend Avishai Raviv. He would shoot at Yitzchak Rabin and be caught red-handed. Rabin�s government would then have the justification to order a nation-wide crackdown on opponents of the peace process...

Treachery at the top?