Tuesday, December 06, 2005

News Media Investigations

News Media Investigations We'd Love to See (But We Won't Hold Our Breath)

Posted by David Ben-Ariel
On 12/6/2005 11:38:45 AM Eastern Time

The Kempler video proves that Yitzhak Rabin was not murdered by Yigal Amir, as the Israeli prime minister continued to walk without any trouble after being shot by BLANKS (as part of a staged assassination).

Now that the prosecutor has finally admitted a third bullet, up close, at point blank range, from the FRONT, killed Rabin, serious questions demand to be answered. Where are the media calls to REOPEN THE RABIN FILE? Why have the American and Israeli governments looked the other way? How did Shimon Peres come to power over Rabin's dead body? How can Israeli David Rutstein publicly accuse Shimon Peres of having Rabin murdered and not get sued?