Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The Left refuses to address THE ISSUES circling Rabin's assassination

The Economics of Conspiracy Theories

UPI Senior Business Correspondent

SKOPJE, Macedonia, April 10 (UPI) -- Barry Chamish is convinced that Shimon Peres, Israel's wily old statesman, ordered the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin back in 1995 in collaboration with the French. He points to apparent tampering with evidence. The bloodstained song sheet in Mr. Rabin's pocket lost its bullet hole between the night of the murder and the present.

Rabin's bodyguards should have immediately recognized the murderer, Yigal Amir. He had publicly attacked his quarry before. Israel's fierce and fearsome internal security service, the Shabak, had moles and agents provocateur among the plotters. Chamish published a book about the affair. He travels and lectures widely, presumably for a fee.

Every writer deserves his pay, as I'm sure the writer of such a worthless article was paid. His shallow article was clearly a strawman that miserably FAILS TO ADDRESS ANY OF THE LEGITIMATE ISSUES Barry Chamish, the Prosecutor, a growing number of Israelis, other authors and writers, dare raise under the Leftist regime of General Sharon.

Every reader can prove right here, right now, that the Shabak (Israel's "Stasi"/Secret Police) did in FACT, have agent provocateurs, the most famous being AVISHAI RAVIV - code-named "Champagne." Barry Chamish and others did not make this up, it's a PROVEN FACT. Just google Avishai Raviv and see for yourself that to just dismiss such facts and assertions with ridicule, with diversionary tactics and strawmen, is simply dishonest and serves the murderous Left.

Thankfully, the Kempler video blog and other sources of information do DEAL WITH THE ISSUES THE LEFT FEARS TO FACE.